amazing autumn!

People say that September is the Monday of the year… Well, I must say I kind of like September – You still have that smile that summer put on your face (and the tan!), but at the same time you’re no longer melting away in the heat of July and August. 

And: It marks the beginning of autumn, which in Tunisia is very charming, as it lets you enjoy the last rays of sun touch your skin and allows you to be all cozy, curling up on the sofa with a cup of tea on a stormy day.

All in all, I have plenty of things to look forward to…


#1 Long walks by the beach
Barely any other people, fresh air, the endlessness of the sea and the sound of its waves have always had a magically calming effect on my thoughts. It helps me relax and replenish, leaving me totally zen and full of energy.


#2 Brunch with friends

Of course you can meet up for a brunch all year round, but there is nothing quite like feeling the crisp autumn air around your nose during a morning walk to your favourite brunch place only to sink into a comfortable chair a few minutes later, smelling the freshly brewed coffee and hearing all about your friends’ summer vacation.



#3 (Audio) Books
Nothing beats an afternoon on the sofa, wrapped up in a blanket and equipped with a cup of tea and your favourite (audio) book. Diving into a story, forgetting about the endless rain outside and simply dreaming away… Need I say more?



#4 Pumpkin
Because… Pumpkin! All classic in a soup, warming your heart as a curry or truly Tunisian with Couscous. A simple all-time favourite that will never fail to bring good autumn vibes to your plate and to your soul.



#5 Real clothes
As much as I enjoyed spending a good three months in bikinis and summer dresses, I really missed those jeans and jumpers! Can’t wait to run around in ankle boots again and throw on that extremely cozy coat.



#6 Bubble baths
Because they are best after a long day or walk in the cold, they let you embrace that gloomy autumn light (in fact, it makes it even more enjoyable) and they are just perfect when combined with point #3 and a cup of tea.


7 thoughts on “amazing autumn!

  1. Great post, I don’t know why people find this time of year so depressing. I don’t really mind any time of year, okay it gets a bit draining when all it does is rain. But I think you have to make the most of the days, as much as I love summer clothes. I really like the winter clothes, I always find it easier because you know that its going to be cold. In the summer (in England) you never know what it is going to do.


    1. Thanks a lot for your thoughts – I absolutely agree! Here in Tunis, summers are so hot that you don’t feel like wearing anything apart from bikinis and light dresses. So I now really look forward to jeans, cardigans and cozy jumpers. I also feel like there are a lot more possibilities in autumn when it comes to outfits – scarves, hats, jackets, layering,…!


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